October 3, 2020

Dear Parents, Guardians and Families,

Alberta Health Services (AHS) has notified us that an individual from CMHA has tested positive for Covid-19. We are working closely with AHS to ensure the necessary precautions are taken to protect everyone involved. Because of privacy reasons, we will not be sharing more information regarding the individual.

Any participants, who our records show, had likely close contact with the individual that tested positive, have been provided additional information about mandatory isolation and will be contacted directly by AHS.

Screening for illness is an essential part of CMHA Return to Hockey Plan. Please do not send your child to hockey if they answer YES to any of the questions on the Alberta Health Daily Checklist. This checklist needs to be completed daily at home before any CMHA event. If your child has any symptoms, you need to complete the COVID-19 self assessment for Albertans and keep your child home. For questions about COVID-19, call 811 or visit alberta.ca/covid19.

Our thoughts are with all individuals impacted by this positive case. We wish anyone impacted a quick recovery and look forward to their return to hockey when they are well, and it is safe. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Richard Herbert
Carstairs Minor Hockey

Read the full letter to families.