At the beginning of the season, all team parents will be invited to join the TeamSnap team, the Manager will be able to update and change the schedule. The CMHA Manager Coordinator will have each teams practices already scheduled for you.
Here is a Managers Manual to help you organize your season, our Manager Coordinator has organized all of this information and is available if you have any questions!
During the first week of practices organize a meeting with your team parents to discuss Respect In Sport and ground rules. It's critical that we start the year off right and review the key learnings from the respect in sport course that everybody has completed.
Other things to discuss during this team meeting:
- Number of tournaments the team is interested in attending
- You will submit your teams application for tournaments at
- Cash call amount and deadline
- Volunteers for treasurer and jersey keeper/cleaner
- Team Apparel options
- Fundraising options to cover cost of tournaments (must be approved by Special Events Coordinator)
CMHA Treasurer will get in contact with your designated team treasurer to set up banking
A few of our coaches use these forms to understand more about what players and parents are looking for from the season. Reach out to your team's coach to see if they would like to use them.

Thanks for volunteering to manage your child's hockey team this year!