Our Town has had an important change effective immediately. As of October 6, 2020 all children, spectators, coaches and parents are required to wear a MASK when entering the Carstairs Memorial Arena facility.

When the player has their helmet on they are not required to have mask on. when their helmet is removed they need to have mask on.

Coaches are to have mask on until they are on ice with helmet on and are in their cohort.

Parents you are to be wearing a mask at all times in this facility. Please ensure you are still trying to social distance. Siblings are also required to wear a mask.

Players from today will be entering the ice surface through public skate door. Players will exit through the home bench. Coaches will have children lined up in hallway to have skateguards put on. Players then will exit the building through the west players entrance.

This is very important to adhere to this new policy from the Town of Carstairs.

Richard Herbert