COVID-19 Update
A message from our President: As you may be aware of the serious situation involving the COVID-19 virus. CMHA will be in close contact with Hockey Alberta and monitoring Hockey Canada’s stance on the situation. As of right now all Hockey Alberta sanctioned events are still a go. Including the Novice tournament on Mar 20-22.…
Read MoreCome out & try Girls Hockey!
New Years Resolution: Score More Goals!
Hockey Alberta is bringing a Holiday Skills Camp to Red Deer during the Holiday Break on January 2-3, 2020 for 2007-2010 Born Players. This Skills Camp is designed to provide your player with additional skill development sessions that will benefit the player during in game situations. The focus areas of instruction will include; Tactical Skating,…
Read MoreDirector Positions available
We have the following director positions available for the 2019-2020 season: Ice Scheduler CAHL Governor Tournament Coordinator (multiple) Tournament Committee Members If you have any questions about these opportunities, please contact our president, Bill Sandilands directly. Thanks for your interest!
Read MoreAGM – May 6, 2019
Our AGM date and time has been set for May 6, 2019 at 6:30pm at the Carstairs Memorial Arena meeting room (on the upper level in the South West corner). Look forward to seeing you there!
Read MoreThank you for an amazing 2018/2019 season
Thank you to everybody for a great 2018/19 season of watching our kids grow, develop and have fun playing our favourite game. We’ve done some amazing things together this year including purchasing new jerseys for Novice and Atom players purchase new tyke nets purchase new half-ice boards host two very successful fundraiser tournaments host a…
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